Saturday, June 4, 2011

My student choice this week

1.    What have you learned in section 107 that helps you understand and appreciate the statement by President Richards? Why is a "government through councils" an inspired source of organization and leadership?  

I think it works to have more people helping make decisions .  I also believe that having the sprit tell speak to you is sometimes hard to act on alone and having the whole group listen to the spirit and be unanimous creates trust in the government and your own decision . this chapter had so much information I was a little over whelmed and I didn't understand a lot of the little details but I hope I got the big picture of the importance of the priesthood

2.    How has priesthood and priesthood leaders blessed your life?

I can think of lots of examples of counsel and blessings and great teachers but I just want to point out if it wasn't for everything all together I wouldn't really know much about this gospel my testimony would never have grown without those priesthood blessings

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