Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Found this in my reading for d&C

"Any intelligent man may learn what he wants to learn. He may acquire knowledge in any field, though it requires much thought and effort. It takes more than a decade to get a high school diploma; it takes an additional four years for most people to get a college degree; it takes nearly a quarter-century to become a great physician. Why, oh, why do people think they can fathom the most complex spiritual depths without the necessary experimental and laboratory work accompanied by compliance with the laws that govern it? Absurd it is, but you will frequently find popular personalities, who seem never to have lived a single law of God, discoursing in interviews on religion. How ridiculous for such persons to attempt to outline for the world a way of life!" ( "Absolute Truth," Ensign, Sept. 1978, pp. 3–5 .)


My new long term project for d and c is too read and ponder the scriptures daily give prayers of graditude and record what I learned in my journal daily with one blog post reflecting the weeks progress. So far this week I have almost always forgotten my new goal and have only written in my journal once thankfully the week is just getting started . oh and I made a new goal to today with grandma were going to read through his eyes it's a book about finding truth and cleaning out clutter from your mind


Camille said...

Hi, this is a very thoughtful post. It is an interesting idea to think about living the gospel and studying it as a laboratory experiment. I think I might like Grandma's book also. I want to read the one Dad has about finding strengths. I haven't written much in my journal lately. I think it would help me focus my priorities. --Mom

Unknown said...

When proud-pied April dress'd in all his trim
Hath put a spirit of youth in every thing