Saturday, February 19, 2011

New Testament

The lord has the seventy go before him to prepare the people. He counsels them to travel light without money or provisions, to accept the sanctuary and food from those they meet in the town, and to bless them. To stay in the house that first offers them and accept what they offer not go from house to house .the important part here I think Is to trust in god that someone will take care of you. The seventy are sent to heal the sick and teach the words of the savoir. Christ teaches that those who ignore the seventy shall be doomed in the last day for shunning his prophets in verse 16 Christ teaches that their voice and what they teach is the same as his voice and those who reject them reject Christ . Christ gives them the power to reject devils and he blesses them to be safe from snakes and scorpions. How cool is that I am a servant of Christ the lord and am therefore snake proof. Then Christ prays to his father because he is grateful for the seventy and tells them how they are blessed to understand so many things. Christ organized his church with twelve apostles and then he called the seventy the seventy then go out among the people to bless heal and teach them. We just had a general authority at my stake conference and he came and thought us the same as those seventy did in Christ's time. The seventy are special witness of Christ today we call more than one group of seventy we have like four seventies to teach and travel as apostolic priesthood holders .

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