Sunday, February 7, 2010

Awesome will be classic forever type peoples
CS lewis
Jk rowling
Dr seuss
if you give a mouse a cookie
whinne the pooh
the giver
ella enchanted
my friend rabbit
time flies
disc world
good omens

not classic so tottally not forever
twilight sorry its true it is a fad
bartimus triugy
uglys prettites and specails
the secret
angles and demons
gossip girl will be compleatly outdated very soon

high school musical is a thing of its own like grece it will always seem dated and silly but will be a symbol of an era wierd and creppy isnt it zac effron is the next john travolta someone you mother had a crush on and you think his hair looks so dumb

1 comment:

Michelle Lanae HRH said...

so I forgot to cheack my spelling sue me