Friday, May 13, 2011

one tuesday morning our heroine went to the forest

grandpa preps the whirling death machine


work wardrobe long pants long sleeves zero cute

sun screen

burn pile that green tree is from the drive way actually it kept

hitting the van so we cut it up

this is a very important rope

can you see the rope in this picture that is where we bring the logs to be cut

this is where the logs com from

heres the rope again look its now tied as nose on a log but what is the other end tied to

see that knot its a hangman knot

this is hill where we start to drag the logs

that is the step hill the logs go up

this is the tree I pull the logs around

see how the logs plow the dirt

grandpa using his can and his chain saw

look this is what the rope is tied to a car ! grandma drives the car

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Todd said...

I like the trench plowed by the log. I remember this pulling logs up the hill thing. It is dangerous.

Cathy said...

Very good documentary. This will be helpful when the police someday find them both dead from this dangerous project. no one would believe that two 75 year old retirees living in a big ol house would do this. Now we have the proof. I'm so glad you are there.