Saturday, March 12, 2011

New testament

Watching for the coming of Christ 3 things I have been watching and taking heed of


There are deceivers who will purposely try to destroy and confuse us take heed for many false Christ's will come. I always relate the scriptures about the last days to Narnia because I loved the books growing up but now that I'm older I understand them differently. But I always think of trashlan and how the world thinks of god and of shift the ape manipulating people for greed. Once in a religion class we watched a clip of this Puerto Rican guy living in a mansion in Texas. Saying he was the reincarnated Christ. he was so obliviously similar to korihor and the very definition of an aniti Christ. I almost fell over when I realized how many people gave him their money and followed him because he told them he was Jesus and sin didn't matter. So there is a deceiver

I really noticed that earthquakes were listed as a sign of the times. After the one in japan I didn't think how strange. I thought we Shure have had a lot of those lately I really do live in the last days

The church coming to all nations hasn't quite been fulfilled yet but I see the church growing every day were sending out missionaries and building temples if Iraq and Afghanistan ever get to stop being a war zone then we would probably send missions there too we send missionaries every where


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