Friday, March 18, 2011

New testament

Choice 3. Mark 14:3-9 Matthew 26:6-13


The woman who washed Christ's feet with her hair and anointed him with costly oils and kissed his feet she gave up her time money and humbled herself to go into this house where she knew she would be judged and rejected by others because of her sins but she knew somehow that Christ could forgive her sins.

I think she understood that Christ deserved reverence and honor. She even understood that she needed Christ to forgive her that she was a sinner who knew that Christ would die for her sins . she knew her own faults as well that she was week and needed the saviors help. She knew he needed to be anointed that his host had neglected him and no else had washed his feat.

Some of the disciples thought it was a waste to spend money or ointment on glorifying god instead of giving it to charity. someone once asked me why we waste the missionaries by having them teach the gospel in America when they could all be doing humanitarian work in Africa after all they could do so much more good there. Its true that we can serve others but the gospel isn't about who needs are help more but about the fact that we all need the gospel. She sought after the savior to do something for him she did a great act of service for Christ and showed her love for him . she is an example to us still just as Christ said she would be

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