Monday, August 16, 2010

im going to have quit a lot of things cold turkey cartoons and comics . here it gets even toufgher you tube television pointless novels ie pern romance any thing I havent been waiting for almost a year aka no new books . no rereading old books

1 comment:

Sam Brown said...

romance novels will suck you in, I had to cold turkey those, too. I highly suggest, however, moving to Robin McKinley - she's got a new book coming out Nov 2. Also, Shannon Hale is pretty good; especially Austenland. Finally, try Marcia Lynn McLure - it's wishy washy romance without the dirty stuff, but still sexy (clean sexy, it does exist)! I especially liked Shackles of Honor and Heavenly Surrender. I'll try to remember to bring them to Fawn Hill and I'll get them back from you at Matt's farewell or Christmas or you can send them with Scott.