Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Tea party!
Monday, July 19, 2010
Visual Art.
Form is the shape of the piece it can be 2d, 3d, or even in between with relief sculpture that is neither quite flat but is still not visible in the full round.
Value of light this is what makes Rembrandt famous his art to makes things glow.
Lines have a power in art to influence the viewer and gain their attention. The lines actually point to the focus of the piece . they give the impression of movement or stillness. Lines also give an emotion feel restful or active . The s cure is seen as the curve that is most attractive to the human eye especially when used as the golden measurement. The golden mean is the golden rule of art .it more attractive to the human eye than any other equation .we see it all around us in modern day and in classic art. the best example I have noticed is the Parthenon it is designed in measurements appealing to the eye the golden mean.
Perspective, is used to create the illusion of depth and realism in art. Lets use The Parthenon as an example again. the perspective of the Parthenon is so that the lines look strait, but there isn't actually a strait vertical or horizontal line on the whole structure. isn't that incredible that the perspective can trick the eye into believing its seeing something else.
Medium is the components used to create the part the type of paint or materials stone wood excreta all mediums can be used to create a masterpiece.
Ever since a man and woman first saw the sun
I love the performing arts but I had not known much about the history of dance a religious connection. Ritual dances teach through movement. Remembering the motions teaches to remember the meaning of the ritual. Story telling dances in every culture teaches people about their legends, heroes, history and religion Ballet in is seen in opera and it own performances of pure ballet. Ballet is about line and traditional forms ruling in ballet is Pointe the suspension of standing perfectly on the toes. The Russian and French school focuses on strict forms that create beautiful lines and motions that tell a story. Modern school choreography is about breaking free of ballet and crating an emotional free form dance these dance are often barefoot and closer to the dancer's soul expression .courting and social dances are a way to meet other people and have fun. Social fads such as the solja or the twist do not last as long as cultural dances that tell stories because they aren't important they don't hold meaning their just for fun.
(Ok ay I could not resist I always think of the killers' song that goes "are we human or are we dancers" humans dance its what people do even animals dance Einstein had it down pat. the whole universe is dancing because its alive. because everybody dances people love to move to the beat. Which also reminds me (hairspray "you can't stop the beat" everybody keeps on dancing you can't stop them . I remember learning to dance at family weddings where you jumped up and down then twirled around. Everyone dance little kids, old people, awkward teens, and confident twenty five year olds.
Fa 100
Music has mediums too what makes the sound is the type of medium. Vocal medium is People singing. Instrumental medium is people playing instruments. Of course, sometimes people even do both together instruments and singing.
The elements of music are Rhythm, melody, harmony and texture, and tempo and dynamics.
Folk music speaks about a culture it enables people to connect to their culture or learn what it means to be part of that culture.
Art music nicknamed Classical music is considered a complex higher art form. Art music seeks to change the way we think and transcend the listener. It is the hardest music to listen to because it is not as easy to understand.
Popular music is made to cater the masses, to entertain. The message is not designed to change the world but to communicate on a personal level. Popular music tends to kiss ups to the listener. It is not that it is not important it is just that all it does is make money or entertain
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Friday, July 16, 2010
This is it !
Michelle Walker
Basic Writing
I Hated Writing
I have always hated writing. Focusing my hatred on something so important to my success in college has hurt my performance a lot. The problem is I do not just hate writing I am afraid of writing. I am afraid of failing no matter how hard I try. so why should I? My GPA has suffered because I get so nervous that I cannot think straight, and then I panic and give up. One professor pointed out to me that college was about writing papers. They said, "If you could not handle it maybe, you should try something else, like driving garbage trucks." It is depressing that I have always hated writing .I cannot go on hating writing; it will only hold me back. I do not want drive garbage trucks. I want to teach kids to like books. If I am ever going to write my own book, I am going to need to learn how to write. Putting my own Ideas on paper has always been a struggle for me, it was too frustrating to have a huge idea in my head but not know how to write it down.
In fourth grade, I remember the state test that ended up taking forever to write. The test requirements were to write a story on a single piece of paper. I really wanted to tell the complicated story inside my head. I was so frustrated because I could not write it down. Writing was difficult because of my dysgraphia and dyslexia. Even though the teacher explained how to write the assignment, I was so frustrated that I could not write, I did not pay attention to the instructions. I did not finish the assignment within the allotted time. Therefore, everyone in the class was able to go do the fun class projects and I worked on the paper everyday for a week. I had to sit at my desk all alone in the dark hallway with a teacher standing over me making sure I was 'on task'.
The paper I wrote was "Tink the Fairy". It did not have the plot I planned. Halfway through the story I ran out of room because my handwriting was so bad. I wrote "The End" without any real conclusion to the story. It took me hours to complete that meager one page story. Being frustrated and angry that I could not make it the story I wanted to be, I was resentful that I lost break time and class time. I could not complete my work because my own incompetence made me angry. I wasted all that time only to get a poor score. It was disappointing. All of my writing followed in this pattern for several years. Teachers continued to teach me English that I only found incomprehensible and frustrating. I did gain an elementary grasp of the principals eventually and my writing improved but I was still unable to express what I wanted to write.
My ability to write was blocked by my
dysgraphia. Dysgraphia is a learning disorder that does not have anything to do with the person's IQ or their ability to read. The physical act of writing is difficult for anyone with dysgraphia. Handwriting is illegible, copying is laborious and frustrating, spelling, and spacing, capitalization, and script are confused and jumbled. No one actually understands the cause of dysgraphia because there has not been much research or studies conducted on it. It is very common to have both dysgraphia and dyslexia but they often exist without the other. I have both plus attention deficit hyperactive disorders. Dyslexia is misunderstood as a disability that makes people see things backwards. It is actually more complicated than that, but backwards works for a basic explanation. The simplified version most people can understand is dyslexia is about input and dysgraphia is about output. This is not correct exactly but it does make sense to people. There is not a cure to dyslexia or dysgraphia. The only solution is to practice a lot. There are alterative teaching methods that work better for dyslexics and dysgraphics. It is important to start as early as possible because. The older a child gets the harder it is to change.
The stories in my head did not turn out the way I wanted them too. I had a difficult time grasping a thesis or grammar. My spelling was atrocious and the physical act of writing was still difficult. I made more attempts and made my stories and ideas shorter but the whole idea was completely frustrating.
Sister Gee's English class at freshman academy brought me back to basics that I could understand. She had us do in class essays with prompts that focused the themes from the reading. My tutor Leana helped me to learn what a thesis was and how to write a paper with a structured thesis. This basic writing class taught me more about grammar than I possibly ever noticed before. This class has also helped me developed a little more complex ideas in my papers. One thing that has helped more than I could have believed is my blog. I love writing on my blog and since there is no pressure, I can write about whatever I want. I do not think it is challenging my writing or improving my style. It is however changing my attitude about writing. I worry every time I write for school that I will struggle in vain and never complete the assignment. Then I will get a poor score anyway. Right now, I am so tense I feel like screaming or hiding or completely eating a chocolate cake and then choking on it. Good grief if cannot even calm down enough to write how can I ever improve or progress. How can I think when I can barley breathe. Why is it that when the pressure is on I turn off? I really need to think of something to do that is productive writing. How can I write when I cannot can I think strait. I am afraid of writing I am anxious I am angry I hate myself for being a failure. I cannot go on living with hatred and suffering I need to learn to write instead of avoiding progress. I am going to face writing head on. So that someday what I hated has become what I love.
I love the performing arts but I hadn't know much about the history of drama as a religious connection tragedies end with a death
Comedies end with a wedding
Outside of Hollywood in foreign and art flims flim is its own art art form whereas within Hollywood big screen flim is tailoried to make mony off the pop culture masses not art.
I thought what Robert cohen said in the model is absolutely true. Thetater is a complete series of paradoxes and irony it contradicts its slef all the time reacting and acting reahearseing and improving the up and down of the forth wall theater brakes all its own rules so often the paradox it the rule.
Props are a strange thing I know our town very well and lack of props is harder than you would think it equal more detailed blocking than you could image. But the over all imprsion of only seeing the characters is incredible .
The director sets the tone nothing has ever been more true the directors attitude will influence every one around them. Because they control everything
Value of light this is what makes Rembrandt famous his art to makes things glow
Lines have a power in art to influence the viewer and gain their attention the s cure is seen as the curve that is most attractive to the human eye
The golden measurement is the golden rule of art it more attractive to the human eye than any other equation we see it all around us the best example I noticed it's the Parthenon
Dance '
Story telling in every culture
Ballet in opera and traditional forms Russian and French strict form
Modern school choreography and expression courting social
Rhythm beat
Classical or art form complex higher music thinks a lot of its ability to express thoughts or feelings
Popular made to the masses doesn't really speak popular to kiss ups to the listener types
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Work in progress
Michelle Walker
Basic Writing
I Hated Writing
In fourth grade, I remember the state test that ended up taking forever to write. The test requirements are to write a story on a single piece of paper. I really wanted to tell the complicated story inside my head. I was so frustrated because I could not write it down. Writing was difficult because of my dysgraphia and dyslexia. Even though the teacher explained how to write the assignment, I was so frustrated that I could not write, I did not pay attention to the instructions. I did not finish the assignment within the allotted time. Therefore, everyone in the class was able to go do the fun class projects and I worked on the paper everyday for a week. I had to sit at my desk all alone in the dark hallway with a teacher standing over me making sure I was 'on task'.
The paper I wrote was "tink the fairy". It did not have the plot I planned. Halfway through the story I ran out of room because my handwriting was so bad. I wrote "The End" without any real conclusion to the story. It took me hours to complete that meager one page story. Being frustrated and angry that I could not make it the story I wanted to be, I was Resentful that I lost break time and class time. I could not complete my work because my own incompetence made me angry. I wasted all that time only to get a poor score it was disappointing. All of my writing followed in this pattern for several years. Teachers continued to teach me English that I only found incomprehensible and frustrating. I did gain an elementary grasp of the principals eventually and my writing improved but I was still unable to express what I wanted to write.
My ability to write was blocked by my
dysgraphia. Dysgraphia is a learning disorder that does not have anything to do with the persons I Q or their ability to read . The physical act of writing is difficult for anyone with dysgraphia. Handwriting is illegible, copying is laborious and frustrating, spelling, and spacing capitalization and script are confused and jumbled. No one actually understands the cause of dysgraphia because there has not been much research or studies conducted on it. It is very common to have both Dysgraphia and dyslexia but they often exist without the other. I have both plus attention deficit hyperactive disorder. Dyslexia is misunderstood as a disability that makes people see things backwards. It is actually more complicated than that but backwards works for a basic explanation. The simplified version most people can understand is dyslexia is about input and dysgraphia is about output. This is not correct exactly but it does make sense to people. There is not a cure to dyslexia or dysgraphia. The only solution is to practice a lot. There are alterative teaching methods that work better for dyslexics and dysgraphics. It is important to start theses as early as possible because. The older a child gets the harder it is to change.
The stories in my head did not turn out the way I wanted them too. I had a difficult time grasping a thesis or grammar. My spelling was atrocious and the physical act of writing was still difficult. I made more attempts and made my stories and ideas shorter but the whole idea was completely frustrating.
Sister Gee's English class at freshman academy brought me back to basics I could understand. In class essays with a prompt that focused the themes from the reading. My tutor Leana helped me to learn what a thesis was and how to write a paper with a structured thesis one. This basic writing class taught me more about grammar than I possibly ever noticed before. This class has also helped me developed a little more complex ideas in my papers. One thing that has helped more than I could have believed is the blog. I love writing on my blog and since there is no pressure, I can write about whatever I want. I worry every time I write for school that I will struggle in vain never compleat the asssigment and get a poor score anyway. It is deppersing that I have always hated writing I cant go hating writing it will only hold me back.
One pharagraph- explain the difference between dysgraphia, dyslexia, how to overcome both
music theater visual arts and dance
things I learned
theater was once a way to reanact or perform reliougies rites
dance everybody dances dances tell stories or are socail or courting dances
visual arts the golden meauserment mediums types
music rythem meter tune notes technical terminaology
all art is used as form of expression
Monday, July 12, 2010
Personal narrative essay
Should be a personal life changing experience here is a list of ideas from the class
"You may write about a…
-turning point in life—an event that changed you for better or worse.
-significant person who had a major impact in your life.
-painful experience you are still trying to come to terms with.
-conversion experience when you learned some spiritual principle.
-"rite of passage"—a major event that marked the beginning of new phase in life.
(first love, college, mission, marriage, etc…)"
So no, pressure no, nothing huge at all. I feel nervous just looking at it.
Here it is again with personalized options
You may write about a…
-turning point in life—an event that changed you for better or worse.
Reading , breakdowns , the GPA drop or plunge,
-significant person who had a major impact in your life.
Susan, Mom ,Dad , Family
-painful experience you are still trying to come to terms with.
Breakdown GpA depression anxiety adhd medication school self loathing
-conversion experience when you learned some spiritual principle.
Long term realization over time this is the path to happiness
-"rite of passage"—a major event that marked the beginning of new phase in life.
(first love, college, mission, marriage, etc…)"
College the ups and downs
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Michelle Walker
Basic Writing
A search for shells
I step in the foam and my feet burn with the cold. As the rough waters laps against them, they turn bright red until they tingle and fizzle out numb with cold. I cannot feel them anymore. The burning is now in my legs where I can still remember what temperature and cold means. My feet have now have forgotten cold, they are simply dead weight. Waves and breakers close in. At the edge to the sea, the waves are fast and large. Here the waves come rapidly and the sand keeps swirling in the foam making the water murky. The waves tug around my feet pulling the sand out from under me, tipping my balance. The shells are visible only for an instant before the waves drag them away. I learn fast to keep an eye on the sea as it comes towards me. The size of the swells is always changing. Without watchfulness, the waves would easily go far above my waist, when only moments before the water merely lapped around my feet. Here at the edge of the sea, it is risky and the hunt for shells is often unfruitful. I know where to look for shells. Away from where the shells hide in the foamy sand and the breakers. There is always a place that is not truly part of the sea and is not quite part of the river. it is full of rocks and shells caught and trapped between tides. Here the waters are clearer. The shells are more visible. Trapped in pools between large rocks, shells nestle closely together with agates and river stones. Shining in the rivers light the shells and stones glitter like gems. Here is where the water from the river meets the sea. The current only swirls, it does not rise, fall, and change rapidly as the waves on the shore do. This is where I hunt for shells.
Friday, July 2, 2010
The coast
I step in the foam and my feet burn with the cold. As the rough waters laps against them, they turn bright red until they tingle and fizzle out numb with cold. I cannot feel them anymore. The burning is now in my legs where I can still remember what temperature and cold means. My feet have now have forgotten cold, they are simply dead weight. Wave and breakers close in. at the edge to the sea the waves are fast and large. Here the waves come rapidly and the sand keeps swirling in the foam making the water murky. The waves tug around my feet pulling the sand out from under me, tipping my balance. The shells are visible only for an instant before the waves drag them away. I learned fast to keep an eye on the sea as it comes towards you. The size of the swells is always changing. Without watchfulness, the wave would easily go far above my waist. When only moments before the water merely lapped around my feet. Here at the edge of the sea, it is risky and the hunt for shells is often unfruitful. I know where to look for shells away from the foam sand the breakers .there is always a place that isn't part of the sea and isn't quite part of the river it is full of rocks and shells caught and trapped between tides. Here the waters are clearer as the water meets the sea it does not rise and fall and change rapidly as the waves on the shore do.